FITTliner sells three digital products whose objectives are to improve the efficiency of flat glass transport in Europe.

Preserving the glass integrity: GlassCarrier
The first solution offers customers to digitize the process of glass and stillage control at each change of physical owner (Shipper/Carrier and Carrier/Receiver).
FITTliner provides the driver with an Android application to carry out the control process and photograph the products from specific angles.
In a second step, after more than 10,000 transport orders, FITTliner, with artificial intelligence, will analyze the photographs (at shipment and destination) to predict the risks of breakage (both at expedition and destination) during shipment.
Helping out the driver by driving him in his control task, archiving photographs as evidence should reduce breakage by 30%; the AI tool should provide an additional 20%.
In addition, information on the origins/destinations/frequency of flows will constitute the database that will allow to work on the quotation and transport development of the "Eliminate Empty Kilometers" tool.

Eliminate Empty kilometers
The second tool is a closed market place where customers come to submit a request for glass transport. Glass transport is offered to specialised transporters equipped with new trailers that can load glass and other goods; the tool organises return transport with general cargo found in other market places or on freight exchanges.
The value proposition for the customer is a 10% reduction in his transport costs and a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions from his transport (as a result of empty optimisation). This 40% reduction is potentially a saving as there is a strong lobbying at European level to integrate transport into the cost of carbon.

Managing stillages
The third tool is a stillage rental marketplace.
Each owner makes his stillages available to the FITTliner community for a fee ; FITTliner charges users for each movement.
Every damaged stillage is spotted by taking pictures and reported by the drivers or even using artificial intelligence. Each damage is billed to the last user; each operation that helps the community is rewarded (damage reporting, storage, repair, etc).
It is a BlockChain technology with a crypto-currency to be chosen or created, complemented by Track&Trace which allows to mutualise on assets and to make their management more reliable/optimised.
The value proposition is a reduction in the cost of owning and using stillages while allowing large shipper customers to reduce capital intensity by allowing third party investors to enter.